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flappy bird artinya

contoh kalimat "flappy bird"
  • flappy bird
  • 2048 has been compared to Flappy Bird by several commentators.
    2048 dibanding-bandingkan dengan Flappy Bird oleh sejumlah komentator.
  • JayIsGames compared it to Flappy Bird "but without the infuriating mindlessness".
    JayIsGames membandingkan 2048 dengan Flappy Bird "namun cara mainnya tidak membuat kesal".
  • The developer Flappy Bird has announced a new game
    Pengembang Flappy Bird telah mengumumkan game baru
  • RETRY Rovio has released a new game like Flappy Bird
    Coba lagi Rovio telah merilis game baru seperti Flappy Bird
  • Just like Flappy Bird, but we would meet SpongeBob and Patrick, help them fly as far as you can! How higher socre can you got? Come on!
    Sama seperti Flappy Bird, tapi kami akan bertemu SpongeBob dan Patrick, membantu mereka terbang sejauh yang Anda bisa! Bagaimana socre lebih tinggi Anda dapat mendapat? Ayolah!
  • Are you fan of Flappy Bird and Bad Piggies? This's funny game, other version of Flappy Bird, but you have to collect the coins and avoid the pipe in the road.
    Apakah Anda penggemar Flappy Bird dan Bad Piggies? Ini lucu permainan, versi lain dari Flappy Bird, tetapi Anda harus mengumpulkan koin dan menghindari pipa di jalan.
  • Are you fan of Flappy Bird and Bad Piggies? This's funny game, other version of Flappy Bird, but you have to collect the coins and avoid the pipe in the road.
    Apakah Anda penggemar Flappy Bird dan Bad Piggies? Ini lucu permainan, versi lain dari Flappy Bird, tetapi Anda harus mengumpulkan koin dan menghindari pipa di jalan.
  • Spinoffs have been released online, as apps and for the Nintendo 3DS, and include versions with elements from Doge, Doctor Who, Flappy Bird and Tetris; there has also been a 3D version and ones with bigger or smaller grids.
    Aplikasi pecahannya menyediakan elemen-elemen khusus seperti Doge, Doctor Who, Flappy Bird, dan Tetris; ada juga versi 3D dan versi kotak yang lebih besar atau kecil.
  • Do you like to play Flappy Bird, but in this game we meet Rigby and Mordecai in Regular Show TV series in Cartoon Network. Help them fly over the pipe by using your mouse. Good luck!
    Apakah Anda ingin bermain Flappy Bird, tapi di game ini kita bertemu Rigby dan Mordekai dalam seri Tampilkan TV Regular di Cartoon Network. Membantu mereka terbang di atas pipa dengan menggunakan mouse Anda. Semoga berhasil!
  • Creator game Flappy Bird announced yesterday on Twitter that he will soon launch a new game for mobile platforms, and they hope that this game will make users look for a game that made him famous. This ...
    Pencipta permainan Flappy Bird kemarin mengumumkan di Twitter bahwa ia akan segera meluncurkan game baru untuk platform mobile, dan mereka berharap bahwa game ini akan membuat pengguna mencari permainan yang membuatnya terkenal. Ini ...
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